Stop voicing contrasts in Parkinson’s: Effect of modified speaking rate in connected speech

Thea Knowles, Scott Adams, Mandar Jog

Presented at the Boston Speech Motor Control Symposium

June 18, 2021

This is an extension of our work examining acoustic and perceptual consequences of speech rate modifications in talkers with Parkinson’s disease.

This reflects a big team effort: A huge thank you to our lab members who have been hard at work helping to manually correct stop consonant boundaries and providing feedback that allows us to scale up our workflow for annotating our data for this project!! If you’re interested in talking workflow for acoustic data annotations, get in touch!


VOT Voicing Contrast Along a Speech Rate Continuum in Dysarthria, Thea Knowles et. al,LabPhon17 2020


Speech Intelligibility in PD, Thea Knowles, 2021 ICPLA